If you find you temporarily need more hands onboard for a time-sensitive job or seasonal demand, hire a VA. If you’re taking the first steps towards expanding your business, hire a VA. If you’re cutting costs to improve margins, it’s much easier to let go of a VA than an employee. Simply speaking, hiring a VA is a great strategy for scaling your business – either up or down.
My website, social media channels, and any reviews or testimonials are my CV. I showcase what I can do on them and let you know what I do well and what I enjoy doing.
This will let you know that when you hire me to do those jobs, you’ll get a great result.
You don’t need to train me, provide equipment or worry about how I’ll fit in with the rest of the staff. You know all you’ll get is great, individual, focused results.
Not having to pay an annual salary means you experience reduced employee-related costs which soon add up to boost your profit margins. When you don’t have to pay for benefits and other leave types (still paying for staff when they’re not working, plus having to get a temp in and pay them as well), you’ll soon find your bottom line rising at a steady pace.
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